June 11, 2014

Power Crises in India during summer and winters

 Power Crises and Mandi Accident

Mother Nature has blessed india with maximum resources. One of such blessing is the 6 seasons in a year. In most of countries there are only extreme heat and cold condition. But they have managed their resources well by following the law of conservation of energy. It was also tought in physics that the energy remains constant but it changes it form. Man has only to make alignment with it.

When I listen lot of hue and cry during summer and winter season for power cuts, it pains me lot for the inefficiency to manage the resources available in our country. The De-linked government policies with the actual problem on ground. The bureaucracy is only sticking with the rules framed instead of realizing the ground problems. the law makers doesn't know the importance of law and their effect to ultimate beneficiary. India has suffered a lot due to its trademark "Chata Hai"attitude.

In the Himachal Pradesh there is surplus power in summers and rainy season, and shortage in winters, as the water level in rivers rises during summer due to melting of glaciers in himalaya. It is going difficult to find the buyers for power.  the power generators have to flush out the water due to lack of demand. Recent incident of flooding of 25 engineering students of hyderabad in mandi might be one of its result. on the other hand there are public protest for power cut in delhi. the common man want to have electricity but government unable to provide. We call it the typical policy paralysis in which the common man on both side of supply and demand sides are being exploited. There is thunderstorm in delhi on 30th May but the excuse  of  power transmitter may last till next 30th May. Then were is service and what is the logic of service providers.

The condition of state electricity board is also very pathetic. they do not have funds to buy the electricity. Some government says that they are providing free power to certain segments of society but i find hardy any logic for not providing power for free. it is the zero economy on ground and lot more on papers.

There are lots of complaints on the system but there is solutions also. The one word "political will power" will be sufficient to address the problem. else mango people will relish their mango juice.

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